Agency Rising Stars

Singer 8000601

Singer 8000601

Gdansk, Poland

Mezzo-soprano, heavy, more dark than light, clear, C3-E6
Genres: musical, pop, rock
Skills: reading music, singing in harmony
Dance: modern jazz, broadway jazz, tap dance basic, classical dance basic
Languages: English, German, Polish

Year of birth – 1995
Height – 165 cm
Weight – 75 kg

2021-2023 Master’s Degree in Musical. Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music, Gdańsk, Poland
2016-2020 Bachelor’s Degree in Musical. Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music, Gdańsk, Poland
2015-2018 Bachelor’s Degree in German Studies. University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland
2011-2015 Solo Singing, F. Chopin State Music School of the First and Second Degree, Olsztyn, Poland

2023 Actress, Ensemble. Musical “ComeBack!” at Uckermärkische Bühnen, Schwedt, Germany
2022 Vocalist. Oratorio “Oratorium Pomorskie” at Holy Trinity Church, Gdańsk, Poland
2022 Actress, Ancestor. Musical “The Addams Family” at Uckermarkische Bühnen, Schwedt, Germany
2022 Vocalist, Concert “Pure Imagination… Koncert Karnawałowy” at Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music, Gdańsk, Poland
2019-2020 Actress, Justitia, Musical “Till Ulenspiegel – eine Liebe für Flandern” at Uckermärkische Bühnen, Schwedt, Germany
2018 Actress, Anna Maria. Musical “Godspell” at Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music, Gdańsk, Poland
2010-2015 Soprano, Choir “Collegium Juvenum,” Olsztyn, Poland
2015 Vocalist, Concert “Koncert dyplomantów” at Feliks Nowowiejski Warmia-Masuria Philharmonic, Olsztyn, Poland
2013 Actress, Barbarina. Musical performance “Zakochany Mozart” at Feliks Nowowiejski Warmia-Masuria Philharmonic, Olsztyn, Poland
2013 Actress, Revue “Ada – ale heca!” at F. Chopin State Music School, Olsztyn, Poland

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