Agency Rising Stars

Singer 5000680

Singer 5000680


Mezzo-soprano singer, f3-b5
Genres: pop-rock, soul, jazz
Dance: latin, modern
Skills: basic piano
Languages: English, Spanish

Year of birth – 1994
Height – 163 cm
Weight – 65 kg

2019-2022 escuela de música creativa, basic music training, completed, intermediate certificate in singing, Madrid
2017-2019 degree in performing arts, Madrid

Singer in the artistic team of magic costa blanca hotel chain
Backup singer for lorenzo santamaria farewell tour
Vocal coach, beginner piano, music theory, and Music & movement teacher at taller de músicos, albacete
Vocal coach at pianissimo, albacete
Lead singer of the band.
Singing teacher at school of rock and private Lessons.
Preparation of stage performance, choreography, and costumes, singer and artistic director for orquesta pennsylvania.
Singer and dancer with orquesta frenesí, orquesta grand slam, orquesta la resistencia, and orquesta show montecristo.
Studio, substitute, and live singer for various.

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