Talent Agency Rising Stars

Percussionist 8000467

Percussionist 8000467


Music Skills: Sight reading (6)
Languages: English, Spanish

Year of birth – 1990
Height – 172 cm

2023: Bachelor of Music with a focus on Composition – University of Antioquia
2020: Technologist in Musical Informatics – Metropolitan Technological Institute
2011: Technologist in Event Management – Jaime Isaza Cadavid Polytechnic
2009: Arabic Music Studies – Mohamed El Sayed School, Spain
2012: Arabic Music Studies – Mohamed El Sayed School, Egypt
2013: Arabic Music Studies with Master Toko Bishara, Chile
2009: Flamenco Studies – Flamenco Art Center “Amor de Dios”, Spain

2024: Musician, lecturer, and workshop facilitator at the “Un Pedacito de Mundo” Festival, Mexico
2022-2023: Musical creation and performance for the play “Yo Meira Delmar, a nadie doy mi soledad,” performed in Barranquilla, Bogotá, United Arab Emirates, and Costa Rica
2017-2023: Director and teacher of the flamenco-Arabic orchestra La Jarana, providing music for various productions
2017: Musicalization and performance for the storytelling play “Las Mil y Una Noches,” winner of the Storytelling Festival, MedellĂ­n
2010: Musician, lecturer, and workshop facilitator at the “Latinarabian Argentina” Festival, Argentina
2015-2023: Technical producer, MedellĂ­n

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