Agency Rising Stars

Bass Player 8000762

Bass Player 8000762

Santa Catarina, Brazil

Genres: Jazz, Blues, Bossa Nova, Brazilian Standards, Chorinho, Forro
Music Skills: sight reading
Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese

Year of birth – 1997

Currently Pursuing. Bachelor’s Degree in Music. Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (Univali)
Graduated from the Carlinhos Niehues Conservatory of Popular Music
Member of the Conservatory Band (Electric Bass)
Participated in multiple courses at the Itajaí (SC) and Ourinhos (SP) Music Festivals

2020-2025 currently, Active in various cultural projects including Choro Brasileiro at the Bombinhas Municipal School Network, Sarau da Praça Itajaí, and Manouche Itajaí Jazz Show as a proponent.
Composed and recorded the soundtrack for the short film A Menina Do Farol, in Bombinhas.
2015-2025 currently, Began professional career as a double bassist performing in concert halls and festivals across the south and southeast of Brazil

Cultural Projects
Choro Brasileiro at the Bombinhas Municipal School Network
Sarau da Praça Itajaí
Manouche Itajaí Jazz Show
Bombinhas Circus Week

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