Agency Rising Stars


Dancer 3808

Krivoy Rog, Ukraine

Year of birth – 1990
Height (cm): 180
Weight (kg): 77

Dance style:
Ballroom dance
Contemporary dance
Folk dance
Modern dance

01.09.2007-31.06.2011 – Alexandria School of Culture associate’s degree.
01.09.2011-31.06.2015 – Rivne State Humanitarian University

Work experience:
2023 Korea, Park Samsung Elerland, dancer
2022-2023 MSC Simfonia, dancer
2021-2022 Korea, park Samsung Everland, dancer
2 months, 2021-2021 country Egypt, hotel “Magic World” (dancer)
5 months, 2021-2021 country Korea, park “Samsung Everland” (dancer)
11 months, 2019-2020 country Korea, park “Lotte World” (dancer)
4 years, 2016-2019 country China, park “Discoveriland” (dancer)
12 months, 2014-2015 country Korea /park “Lotte World” (dancer)
3 months, 2013 country China / shows the ball / ballet dancer
1 year, 2012 Ukraine, Folk Dance Ensemble “Polsyanka”, choreographer tutor
2 years, 2011-2012, Ukraine, CFTC “Prestige”, dancer

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