Yamila 7000198
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Year of birth – 1993
Height – 158 cm
Academic Training:
2024-currently, training Double Jump Floor Acrobatics
2024-currently, training double jump handstand
2023-2024 physical training for dancers
2021-2022 2 years Reina Reech dance teacher training, classical, contemporary, jazz, physical
training, rhythms, urban
2018-2022 DM school dance training urban dances, hiphop, reggaeton
2017-2018 2 years musical comedy – Ezeiza
2017 1 year Singing workshop at popular music school
2015 1 year acting workshop Paseo de la Plaza
2015 1 year acting workshop, apple of lights
2014-2020 5 years urban dance, hiphop, Arabic, salsa, bachata, contemporary
Phoenix productions staff dancer at nightclub (2023-2024)
Rhythmic gymnastics classes – CABA (2023-2024)
Ibizaa productions staff dancer at nightclub (2023-2024)
Promoter on staff Nicepeople events (2023-2024)
Private urban dance classes (2017-at the moment)
Audiovisual Productions: (actriz)
Extra in series Menem (for Netflix) (2023)
Independent film “Sangredus 3” main role (2023)
Extra in advertising for Social learning (2023)
Extra in series El Eternauta (for Netflix)(2023)
Serial Extra The End of Love (for Prime Video)(2023)
Extra from Scouting Argentina (2023- presente)
Extra in michelob advertising(2024)
Extra in series the rules fel boxer(2024)