Agency Rising Stars

Salsa Tango Duo 5000317

Salsa Tango Duo 5000317


(Professional Ballroom Dancer, Choreographer, Producer, Ballet Director)
Height: 1.82 meters
Weight: 80 kg

2022 dancer in the Argentine company Tango Folk
2019 National Ballroom Champion Latin modality in the city of Buenos Aires promoted by the AABD (Argentine Association of Dance Sports)
2019  worked as the first tango dancer of the show Una Pintura
2018 he developed production tasks in the event organized by the Secretary of Culture of the Municipality of Rosario,  which also served as a jury.
2017 he worked as the first dancer in the Glamoree Cirkus show.
2015 Secretary of Culture of the Municipality of Rosario as the person in charge of the dance area of the Official Carnivals of Rosario developing tasks as a workshop leader in dance improvement, commissioning scene, choreography
2013, 2014 and 2015 he performs and directs the dance event 
held in the Civic patio of the National Flag Monument with more than 6000 spectators and the presence of the Mayor of the city of Rosario.

Professional, versatle, passionate dancer having excellent stamina, fexibility & able to perform multple styles.
Main styles: Jazz & Showgirl.
Height: 5’9” (1.77 m)
Weight: 58 kg

Dancer, Team Marina. Hotel Marina Benidorm. Benidorm, Spain ‘23
Latn dancer, Soy de Cuba Show. Kos, Greece ‘23
Tango performances, CabareTango. Rosario, Argentna ‘23
Circus dancer, Circo Vasquez. Chile ‘23
Gogo dancer, Maxxim Berlin. Berlin, Germany ‘22
Choreographer & Show responsible, Hotel Barcelo. Fuerteventura, Spain ‘22
Dancer, Arbatax Park Resort. Sardinia, Italy ‘22
Fitness responsible, AmareItalia, Hotel Torre Salinas. Sardinia, Italy ‘21
Jazz online shows, Double Twist Academy. London, UK ‘20
Contemporary dancer, Athoms Inside Out supported by Dansez. London, UK ‘19
Theater Art Performer, 4all2Envy Entertainments, Bollywood & Commercial shows. London, UK ‘19
Bridal Model, White Rose Bridal, Collecton 2020. London, UK ‘19
Bollywood dancer & actress, flms Jawani Janeman, Namaste England, Dulha Hindustani, Beautful Billo
Dancer, Good Time Greece. Rhodes, Greece ‘19
Ballet dancer, Copelia Musical. Rosario, Argentna ‘19
Burlesque & cabaret dancer, Brillante Music Hall. Rosario, Argentna ‘18
Jazz & Latn dancer, Michael Jackson tribute by il Triani SRL. Glamoree Cirkus. Rosario, Argentna ‘17

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