Agency Rising Stars


Flamenco Duo 7000054

Barcelona, Spain

Year of birth – 1997
Height – 183 cm
Weight – 80 kg

-Graduated with distinction from the Mariemma professional dance conservatory in Madrid, in the specialty
Spanish dance and flamenco
-Training in jazz, contemporary, commercial and urban
-Interpretation courses in Juan Codina

Professional experience:
-Dancer, Madrid flamenco ballet
-Dancer, Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL)
-Solo Dancer, Ballet Rafael Aguilar
-Dance body, Co. Aida Gomez
-Solo dancer, dance company
-Dancer at the dinner show Fifth Element, Capital Theatre
-List, Malinche Musical

Year ocf birth – 1993
Height – 165 cm

Education: High School IES Fernando III (Ayora)

-2023-Current dancer in the group flamenco
-Dancer on Costa cruise Fabulous
-Flamenco dancer in companies like Joaquin Cortes, Cristina Holes etc.
-Dancer, actress and singer in musicals for children and adults Aladdin, role Yasmine and Hunchback of Notre Dame, dance company.
-Dancer in “El Gato” operas Montes and Nabucco”
-Spanish dance teacher and bollywood in “Esther” academies Mortes”, “Pas a Pas” and school of Shelina Sanchez dance.

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