Agency Rising Stars

Ballroom Dance Couple 2005

Ballroom Dance Couple 2005

Kiev, Ukraine

Year of Birth: 1987
Height: 184 cm
Weight: 78 kg

Sporting Achievements:
Achieved finalist status in the Ukrainian Championship and Ukrainian Cup, medalist in Western Ukraine Championships, Rovno region champion, Dnepropetrovsk region vice-champion in Ukraine, quarter-finalist in international contests in Russia, and finalist in international competitions in Ukraine.
Ballroom Dance

Teaching Experience:
2020-2022: Independent Ballroom Dance Instructor in Ukraine.
2010-2013: Dance Instructor at Club Dance, Ukraine.

Professional Dance Experience:
2019-2020: Ballroom Dancer at Dream Cruises.
2016-2019: Ballroom Dancer with Star Cruises.
2014-2015: Ballroom Dancer at MSC Cruises.

Year of Birth: 1988
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 48 kg

Sporting Achievements:
Finalist in the Ukrainian Championship and Ukrainian Cup, Eastern Ukraine Championships finalist, vice champion of Dnepropetrovsk region, quarter-finalist in international competitions in Russia and England Championships, and 1/8 finalist at the Blackpool Dance Festival.

Professional Experience:
2020-2023: fitness trainer, fitness club network, Kyiv, Ukraine
2020-2023: Independent Ballroom Dance Instructor in Ukraine.
2019-2020: Ballroom Dancer at Dream Cruises.
2016-2019: Ballroom Dancer with Star Cruises.
2014-2015: Ballroom Dancer at MSC Cruises.
2012-2014: Choreographer and Coach at Children’s Center, teaching ballroom choreography to various age groups, strip-plastic and stretching for adults.
2011-2013: Dance School in Kiev, Instructor in adult ballroom choreography.
2012-2013: Coach-Choreographer at Club Dance “MERIDIAN”, teaching ballroom choreography to children aged 7-15.
2010-2012: Instructor at Dance School “My Dance”, teaching adult ballroom choreography and Argentine Tango.
2009-2011: Dance Studio “RELEASE”, teaching ballroom choreography to children aged 5-16.
2007-2009: Club Dance “EMPIRE OF DANCE”, teaching ballroom choreography to children aged 5-10.

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