Agency Rising Stars

Magician Solo 3889

Magician Solo 3889

Seoul, South Korea

He started his magic career when he was 15 when he joined a student magic society and soon after won a prize at the national student magic convention organised by the South Korea Ministry of Art and Culture.

At 17 he obtained an apprenticeship with a magic entertainment company where he was able to hone his skills in the company of experienced magicians, learning professional techniques and showmanship.

By the age of 20 he was working alongside his teachers and teaching magic himself upcoming magician.

He had also started to explore the art of creating magic by building his own illusions from scratch and subsequently handing on this expertise in illusion building and showmanship to magicians just startin out in the business.

For two years he did military service but still found the opportunity to instruct some of his fellow soldiers in magic and was called upon to demonstrate his skills in front of the top brass at military ceremonies.

After military service he resumed his career as a professional magician, builder of illusions and teacher/mentor of budding magicians.

He was also comissioned as magic consultant for the movie “The Magician” (2015). He taught the lead actors magic skills. devised the routines, built the illusions, and acted as a ‘magic’ hand double for the lead in some of the more difficult manipulations.

After stints working in the USA and 2015 he relocated to the UK where he has continued his career performing in cabaret, cruise ships corporate work and street festivals.

Pflaster Spektakel Linz/Linz, Austria
Flaniermeile Velden am Worthersee/Velden, Austria
Potsdamer Scholossnacht/Potsdam, Germany
Street music festival Satu mare/Satumare, Romania
Street music festival Targu Mures/Targu Mures, Romania
Dubai Shopping mall festival-Dubai, UAE
Sharjah fringe Festival-Sharjah, UAE
Hors lit festival,Bordeaux/Bordeaux, France
Master of Magic street magic/Parma, Italy
Kulturscheine-Salzburg, Austria
Festival of Fools-Belfast, Northern ireland, UK
Aufgetischt, St, Gallen-St.gallen, Switzerland
Busker Lichtenstein-Vaduz, Lichtenstein
Hut festival-Chemnitz
Cest is d’best-Zagreb, Croatia
Festival Kulturpur-Siegen, Germany
Busker Braunsweig-Braunsweig,Germany
Berlin Lacht(Kulturstation)-Berlin, Germany
International Children Festival-Sibenik,Croatia
Delmundo Strassen fest-Maastricht, Belgium
Molln strassenkunst fest-Molln, Germany
Flaniermeile Velden am Worthersee-Velden, Austria
Bamberg Zaubert-Bamberg, Germany
La strada Augsburg-Augsburg, Germany
International street festival Kulturfer-Friedrischafen, Germany
Alstadt Zauber-Klagenfurt, Austria
Schloss Spektakel-Braunsweig, Germany
Berlin Lacht(Kulturbahnhof)-Berlin, Germany
Wave Festival-Vordingborg, Denmark
Goppinger strassenkunst festival-Goppingen, Germany
Strassen Zauber festival Weilheim-Weilheim im ober bayern, Germany
Street art festival Gutersloher strassenfiffi-Gutersloh, Germany
Festival der Magier und Hexen-Mayern, Germany
Putrajaya festival-Putrajaya, Malaysia
Cest is d best street theatre festival-Zagreb, CROATIA
Sibenik children festival-Sibenik, CROATIA
Prague music festival-Prague, CZCH REPUBLIC
Ulica street festival-Krokow, POLAND
Street music festival-Satu mare, ROMANIA
Pflaster Spektakel-Linz, AUSTRIA
Berlin lacht-Berlin, GERMANY
Mojocca festival-Moio della lucania, ITALY
OFCA Festival-Olesnica POLAND
International artist de ra rue-Vevey, SWITZERLAND
SOUP Street festival-Koper, SLOVENIA
Busker wien festival-Wien, AUSTRIA
Horslit festival, Romans-Romans, France
Horslit festival, Munich-Munich, Germany
Berlin lacht festival-Berlin, GERMANY
Schwerin street festival-Schwerin, GERMANY

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