Contortion Solo 5000358
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia,
Date of birth October 17, 1991
Height 168 cm
Sep 2011 – May 2015 International Ulaanbaatur University, Ulaanbaatar. Marketing Menegment
Jun 1997 – Jun 2004 Contortion school. 4, Erdenet
2007, he successfully worked as a contortionist in “Traveling Circus” in German cities for 6 months.
2008, he successfully worked as an acrobat in “Zahide” theater in “Istanbul”, Turkey for 2 months.
2008, he worked as a contortionist in the 5-star hotel theater in “Antalya”, Turkey for 8 months.
In 2010 in American cities:
– In Los Angeles “By the Traveling Circus”
– In New Orleans – Balagan show
– in the island of Hawaii – in the Cirque Polynesia show
– New Jersey, St. Louis, Chicago, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Orlando, California, New York, Miami, etc., successfully promoted the name of the country.
Since 2011, has been working as the main “artist” in the “Tumen Ekh” ensemble for the 5th year.
2015 “Flower” performance at the “Gala” performance of the USA Solar Circus
2015 20th anniversary concert of Korea University
2015, China-Hoh City with fashion designers on the Mongolian Country Day with model bending.
2016 Russia-Mongolia Joint Culture Days in Ulan-Ude, Russia.
Dream master entertainment Christmas show in Dubai, United Arab Emirates in 2017
8 pairs are preparing to perform at the 2017
Hungary water sports event. 2017