Agency Rising Stars

Multiple Solo 5000851

Multiple Solo 5000851

Iowa, USA

Date of birth 14/05/1984
Height 5’4″
Weight 165 lbs

Juggler, Cyr Wheel, Aerial Fabric, Hula Hoop, Human-sized Hamster Ball, Aerial Hoop, Aerial Cube, Aerial Hammock, Stilt Walking, Sway Pole, Acrobatics

March 2006 – Today Owner of Entertainment (Produced innovative new shows with other performers)
August 2014 – February 2018 Owner of Circus Arts (Produced two student showcases every year)
July 2010 – August 2014 Triad Gymnastics
2008 1st place at the World Juggling Federation, placing her among the best jugglers in the world
5th season of America’s Got Talent

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